Saturday, April 25, 2009

My Happy Place

The Good Wife is happy tonight.

It's a beautiful night and the Parson has long been fast asleep.  The Parson's Son is now safely snuggled in his clean bed in his newly cleaned bedroom, listening to the limbs of the pecan tree brush against his second story window.  (Oops--must be a mistake--thought I heard a door quietly close upstairs.  Don't tell me.  Let me dream.  I'm not going to look.  He IS asleep.  He IS.)

Parson's Daughter is still out, but her whereabouts are known as is the Company she is keeping.

The dogs are quietly asleep on their beds and the Good Wife is experiencing the Sweet Sounds of Silence in her Happy Place.  No matter that she can hardly hold her eyes open and her brain turned to mush hours ago.  This is her Creative Space in her Happy Place. Yessirree, indeed it is.

It's only midnight oh three.  I have no idea why all of this now seems so hard...  I know that Sunday comes early and with it comes the Day of Energy, Sensitivity, and Social Awareness. All I wanted was to retreat to the Creative Space in the Happy Place to be able to fire on all cylinders in that great gettin up morning.  

It ain't workin.

Fare thee well.

1 comment:

Melani Brady Shock said...

Am trying all sorts of different methods to see if comments will work. Have gotten emails from several that they tried to leave a comment and couldn't. That was not acceptable! :-)