Sunday, April 26, 2009

Missy Pearl

I have a neighbor friend, Missy Pearl, who lives just a couple of blocks away from me and is also the Good Wife of a Parson.  Her home is perfect, also.  

I sometimes go visit her and we sit together and sigh in delight over the perfection of our lives.

We sat the other day upon her patio as the Brown Wren fed her babies who were soon about to fly.  Miss Kitty was wandering back and forth with a watchful eye, so eventually she found her swishy tail locked in the laundry room so that the baby birds could venture forth from the nest in peace.

It didn't happen while I was there (which was quite a long time because we had a lot of perfection to review).

I inquired by email the next morning whether Miss Kitty was still in prison and whether or not the birds had flown.  The story was not pretty.

A trap was set to catch a coon which had been eating Miss Kitty's food.  In the process, a neighbor's cat was caught and was mad as )(*&^^% with words which could not be uttered.  He was gone with lightning speed upon his release and Mr. Coon has yet to make an appearance.  

In all of the hullabaloo, Baby Bird wound up in a crumpled heap upon the patio.  There were no marks upon him...he had evidently tumbled from the nest before he was ready.

This just all wraps up the point quite nicely that the Parson has been repeating over and over and over and over again in the past several days:  "Until the chaos is removed from our homes, we cannot be the families God intended us to be."

Sounds to me like some better coon traps would help the family situation, does it not?  And some better guards for the nest....

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