Tuesday, December 31, 2013


...for the Clouds, the Rain, the Gloomy Days...

...the Busyness, the Frantic, the Mundane and Boring (whoever even HEARD of that last word?!!)...

...the seasons of Sickness and Sadness and Sinking...

...for Fitbit and MyFitnessPal and the new Blogger app...

...for a God who understands that I am human and because of Lack of Rest, too much Fast Food, and Midlife, I sometimes lose sight of the Big Picture and stomp around grumbling about Details of the Mission.  And He loves me and doesn't make me feel bad at all when I Repent.

...for a Fireplace on Cold Winter nights.

...for my Crockpot.

...for the Parson, the Kids and Dog, the Brother and Sister-in-Law and Mother. And the Homeplace.

...for 2013. 

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